Tag Archives: sucess


HusbandFor years now many pulpiteers and preachers have condemned Delilah as a prostitute and the one responsible for the ruining of the great man Samson.Of course she did.But then, I have this question for them: What made Samson keep coming back to Delilah even though he knew she wanted to find out the secret of his strength?

Could it have been just sex? I doubt. This is because there were prostitutes that Samson slept with but still went away.Or could it be that Delilah was the most beautiful girl in Philistine? I doubt that too.

I personally think that Delilah knew HOW TO KEEP HER MAN AT HOME.How to make a man return back to her laps.

Here are few secrets I guessed she used and every woman can use to keep her man.IF A MAN IS UNFAITHFUL…THE WOMAN OBVIOUSLY HAS LOST GROUND AND HASN’T BEING DOING HER JOB WELL. Let me share with you some Strategies I feel can be of help.I call it….


DELILAH STRATEGY 1: SMELL GOOD; LOOK GOOD. Don’t dress in wrapper after you are married.When your husband comes back from work, what does he see? A woman wrapped like and old, worn out woman? But that is not what he sees at work on those lovely secretaries and co workers.

Don’t smell soup or smoke when he comes back from work.Smell good, romantic and be on your sexiest bump shot so that when he comes home, he wondering and staring at you.Prayer won’t keep your husband at home.This will!…prayers
come later on once you have done that.

DELILAH STRATEGY 2: COOK WELL. Your husband should WANT TO COME BACK HOME TO EAT YOUR MEALS.All that talk about the maid does that is foolish.After good sex, a good meal is what ANY MAN wants from his wife.Will your husband be able to call his friends over to his house to eat your meal? Sister, learn how to cook.Stop making excuses.

DELILAH STRATEGY 3: BE HIS NUMBER ONE ENCOURAGER: No one should praise your husband more than you.NO ONE.Let him know that you are his number one cheer leader.Ask him about his business.Don’t advice him, just listen to him. Listening is the biggest encouragement he can receive from you.

Tell him sometimes: “My lord, saviour of my body, the one who leads me…i admire you” Do you know that is scriptural?Submission is a charm. it activates love naturally.

Your husband is not your friend or partner, he is your Lord.Give him the honour.

DELILAH STRATEGY 4: GIVE HIM GOOD SEX. Let every sexual time be one he would remember. Read the book ART OF MARRIAGE by Tim Lahaye. It would be of great help. Don’t take your sexual lief for granted. Many do. I have talked with not less than 5 married men who complain about their wives inexperience and refusal to learn about sex.

Sex is an art.It can be learnt..but please do it in marriage. There is less guilt and you are on the side of God.God watches married people have sex.And he is disappointed when any of them goes away unfulfilled.He created it and believes that if we do it properly we can get it right.

All the best.


2013(sms INTERESTED to 08187133153 for seat reservations at the PERSONAL GOAL-SETTING AND ACTUALIZATION WORKSHOP)

I recently started a series on Television on the subject above and I have received a number of calls, emails and text messages from a lot of people around Nigeria.You can join on Thursdays on AKBC TV by 9.00am.If you have a START TIMES DECODER you can also view it anywhere you are in Nigeria.

People want to have a new year.They expect it to be better and more successful.But as sincere as these intentions and expectations are, they are mere wishes; wishes that would not be realized except YOU – yes YOU – realize the following

1. THERE WILL BE NO GOOD NEW YEAR UNLESS THERE IS A DEVELOPED NEW YOU:That is a statement of fact.For things to get better in 2013 you must CHANGE YOU….Change your mindset and mentality….Increase your capacity…develop yourself….increase your skill set.The state of YOU is important for a more productive year.

Write this down: Consistency is inferior to Improvement.You can’t do the same things you did in 2012, be the same person you were in 2012 ,and expect a different result.Consistency is good…but improving on what you are consistent about is better.So as you set goals for 2013 make sure that you add PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT GOALS. What new skills do you want to acquire? What new mindset must you have?What new places do you want to visit? Who do you want to mentor you?Should you go back to school?Upgrade your certification?Go for more auditioning?How many books must you have read at the end of 2013? What seminars should you and would you attend?…REMEMBER, NO NEW YOU, NO NEW YEAR!

2.FORGET 2012. Yes you heard me right: FORGET 2012. Forget the failures and disappointments.Next year is going to be a good year!You cannot move forward looking backwards.Also, forget all those successes that you had achieved.To arrive too early is to arrive too soon.Success can set you up for failure…so be careful about it.See what new goals and challenges you can achieve in 2013.

3.DON’T JUST PRAY, PLAN! At the beginning of the new year millions will begin to engage in marathon fasting and prayers for practically the whole month of January.Is that good? Of course, it is! But don’t just pray, plan! Set the sail, God would send the wind.

Write those ideas, plans, visions and concepts down.Fix deadlines.Anticipate obstacles on paper.Proffer solutions on paper. Think options. Develop strategy.Map out financial plans.Write figures down.

This is planning!…Then you can go to God in prayer and say, “Lord, this is what I have done..adjust them to your will and breath on them”. Guess what? He will.

4.MOVE FROM ‘I CAN’ TO ‘I WILL’: I CAN is good.It is the start to success.All achievements begin with the intentions I CAN. I CAN is a decision…but I WILL is a determination.I WILL is greater than I CAN. I CAN is a suggestion, I WILL is a resolution.

I WILL is a dangerous word.It is a ‘No going back word’. You subconsciously use it when you have made up your mind. So move your mind from I CAN to I WILL and what a 2013 you will have!




TIME: 3PM on FRI 25TH JAN. & 10 AM SAT. 26TH JANUARY, 2013

For seat reservations sms INTERESTED to 08187133153